
Blue Marble

Kuettner's Marble is understood as a synonym for Kuettner's Globe, the model of the Earth Globe with a glass surface at a scale of 1:10 000 000.

Blue Marble (German für Blaue Murmel) is the name for a well-known photo of the Earth, which began the crew of Apollo 17 in 1972 from a distance of 45 000 km.

Kuettner's Blue Marble is an edited photo of his terrestrial globe.

The creation of the marble

In contrast to a lamp or jewellery brazier a corpus brazier manufactures jars and appliances of brass and copper.

Again and again, the craftsman preferred basic geometrical forms in shaping his conical cups, spherical jugs, pyramid-shaped bottles, cube-shaped boxes or cylindrical candlesticks.

The object which took most pains, i. e. about 10,000 hours of work, is the globe which was created between 1968 and 1988. It is an attractive globe sculpture made in a fascinating crosspiece enamel technique. This sculpture was created out of self-interest and was meant for a big hall. Maybe, it was the outcry of an Eastern German, who in that time could make a trip around the world only with his fingers on the globe?

The officially recognised artist-craftsman was honoured twice for his unique globe, in Sevilla 1992 and in Hanover 2000.

Those, who want to get this brilliant marble into their house, will need a door that is 1.28 metres wide. For displaying it in the open air a protective roof is recommended.

© 2014 Küttner
Kuettner's Globe